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J. Yang, Y. Zou, W. Tang, J. Li, M. Huang* and S. Aya*

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(54) “Facile determination of matter’s optical properties by combining Monte Carlo and Berreman 4x4 matrix approaches: Dispersion in nematic and emerging ferroelectric nematic liquid crystals” LINK

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(53) “Emerging Ferroelectric Uniaxial Lamellar (Smectic AF) Fluids for Bistable In-Plane Polarization Memory” LINK

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(51) “Nontrivial phase matching in helielectric polarization helices: Universal phase matching theory, validation, and electric switching” LINK

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(50) “General Phase-structure Relationship in Polar Rod-shaped Liquid Crystals: Importance of Shape Anisotropy and Dipolar Strength” LINK

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(49) “Development of emergent ferroelectric nematic liquid crystals with highly fluorinated and rigid mesogens” LINK

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(48) “Nontrivial topological defects of micro-rods immersed in nematics and their phototuning” LINK

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(47) “Observation and simulation of toron polymorphism: Effects of surface anchoring, elasticity and electric field in cholesterics with smectic-A phase beneath” LINK

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(46) “Stereoisomer effect on ferroelectric nematics: stabilization and phase behavior diversifization” LINK

J. Zhou,  R. Xia, M. Huang* and  S. Aya* 

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